Deeds Update available!
Greetings Viceroys!
Today we’ve got something special for the fans of number 14 – it’s the Update 14 aka the Deeds Update! Here’s what’s new:
- 60 new Deeds
- 10 new Decorations
- 8 new Cornerstones
- New trader: Xiadani Stormfeather
- 4 new Embark Bonuses
- and more!
Also, don’t miss our latest devlog in which we shared the previews of the interface improvements: Devlog – Updated UI preview and Deeds Update teaser.
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We’re in the middle of the Phase of the Citadel, and the entire team is working hard on the biggest feature of this part of the roadmap – the World Map revamp (which also includes Trade Routes and Factions). Unfortunately, we’re still not ready to show anything, so in the meantime, we bring you another long-awaited update – a refresh to the Deeds.
A few months back we asked you about new Deeds you would like to see in the game, and if any existing objectives were too boring or difficult to complete. Based on the feedback and inspiration we got from you, we added 60 new Deeds in this update, revamped the whole Deed UI, removed some of the old Deeds, and increased the number of rewards. We also decided to remove World Phases, as this was an old system designed to streamline content and difficulty on the World Map but based on previous updates (like the difficulty selection in the Embark Window), and what’s coming in the future (a complete World Map revamp), it lost its purpose and only limited us in terms of adding new content.
Deeds window.
When it comes to new rewards from Deeds – we decided to add more than just new decorations this time. Now you can also unlock a few new Cornerstones, Embark Bonuses, and a brand new trader by completing Deeds. We also increased the amount of decoration in the game by 10 (making it a grand total of 24). Expect even more rewards in the future, as we expand the Deeds system further.
Last but not least – we also bring you a few smaller UI changes, some UX improvements, and bug fixes. We know that the last update stirred a lot of controversy about the direction in which the interface was going, but rest assured, behind the scenes we are working hard on bringing back the feel of the old UI without sacrificing the clarity of the new one (you can see a small preview in the teaser published a few days ago). You can expect a more substantial UI change in the next update in May. And here’s one new preview of the bottom HUD:
Bottom HUD preview (coming in a future update).
Enjoy the new additions to Against the Storm, and as always, feel free to share your feedback on our Discord server or using the official feedback tool.
Number of changes
Inspired by community
Changes marked with ⚡ were inspired by community.
New content and features
- ⚡ Added 60 new Deeds to the game (based on a previous Community Brainstorm)
- Harpy Settlement – Win a game with at least 25 Harpies.
- Overcoming Difficulty – Win a game on the difficulty: Hard.
- A Real Challenge – Win a game on the difficulty: Very Hard.
- Impossible – Win a game on the difficulty: Impossible.
- Prestigious Expedition (18 parts) – Win a game on the difficulty: Prestige (from 1 to 18).
- Into the Forest – Win a game after discovering a Dangerous Glade in Year 1, on the difficulty: Hard (or higher).
- Stalking Shadows – Win a game after discovering a Forbidden Glade in Year 2, on the difficulty: Hard (or higher).
- Outstanding Move – Win a game after discovering a Forbidden Glade in Year 1, on the difficulty: Very Hard (or higher).
- Thorough Exploration – Win a game with 30 or more Glades discovered, on the difficulty: Hard (or higher).
- Playing It Safe – Win a game without discovering Dangerous Glades, on the difficulty: Hard (or higher).
- Immovable Viceroy – Win a game without discovering any Glades.
- Homesick (2 parts) – Win a game in 3/5 years or less.
- Devil’s Bargain – Win a game after 20 villagers died.
- Feeding The People – Ensure every villager simultaneously has all needs fulfilled from the category: Complex Food.
- Higher Needs – Ensure every villager simultaneously has all needs fulfilled from the category: Services.
- Paradise – Ensure all villagers simultaneously have every need fulfilled.
- Ruins – Win a game after taking care of 10 Ruins found in Glades.
- Treasure – Win a game after looting 20 Caches found in Glades.
- High Price – Win a game after 15 villagers died, on the difficulty: Prestige 18 (or higher).
- No Loot Boxes – Win a game without opening any Caches found in Glades.
- No Strangers – Win a game without solving any Camp events found in Glades.
- Discovery – Win a game after solving 25 Glade Events.
- A True Leader – Earn 16 Reputation Points through Resolve in a single game on difficulty: Prestige 1 (or higher).
- Trade Connections – Win a game with 400 Amber in your Storage.
- Traveling Light – Win a game without taking any Embark Bonuses on difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- Unnecessary Burden – Win a game without taking any Embark Bonuses on difficulty: Prestige 10 (or higher).
- Human Utopia – Win a game with: 30 Humans, 15 x Human Houses, 1 x Temple
- Beaver Utopia – Win a game with: 30 Beavers, 15 x Beaver Houses, 1 x Guild House
- Lizard Utopia – Win a game with: 30 Lizards, 15 x Lizard Houses, 1 x Clan Hall
- Harpy Utopia – Win a game with: 30 Harpies, 15 x Harpy Houses, 1 x Bath House
- Tempest – Win a game with no dead villagers on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- The Marketplace – Win a game with: 50 villagers, 1 x Temple, 1 x Market.
- Serving Ale – Win a game with: 1 x Small Farm, 1 x Brewery, 1 x Tavern, on the difficulty: Very Hard (or higher).
- Refinery – Win a game with: 1 x Mine, 1 x Smelter, 1 x Smithy, on the difficulty: Very Hard (or higher).
- Totem Hunter – Win a game with: 1 x Converted Rain Totem, 1 x Converted Totem of Denial, on the difficulty: Very Hard (or higher).
- Independent Viceroy – Win a game without completing Orders on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- Deadly Spores – Win a game in the biome: Marshlands, and on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- Crimson Soil – Win a game in the biome: Scarlet Orchard, and on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- Thick Clouds – Win a game in the biome: Cursed Royal Woodlands, and on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- The Reef – Win a game in the biome: Coral Forest, and on the difficulty: Impossible (or higher).
- ⚡ Added 10 new decorations. All of them can be acquired through completing Deeds.
- Umbrella
- Crates
- Water Barrels
- Decorative Fungus
- Rainpunk Barrels
- Coral Growth
- Ancient Tombstone
- Golden Leaf Plant
- Signboard
- Ancient Arch
- ⚡ Added 8 new Cornerstones inspired by the community. All of them can be acquired through completing Deeds.
- Firekeeper’s Prayer – Time spent working on Glade Events is decreased by 10%, but sacrificing in the Hearth costs 25% more resources.
- Worker’s Rations – All workers have a +10% higher chance of producing double, but they also get +25% to the chance of consuming twice as much food during a break.
- Woodpecker Technique – Gain 2 Insects every time woodcutters cut down a tree.
- Fiery Wrath – The cost of sacrificing resources in the Hearth is reduced by 5% for every Impatience Point you have.
- Generous Rations – Global Resolve is increased by 5, but villagers get +50% to the chance of consuming double the amount of food during a break.
- Moss Broccoli Seeds – Vegetables can now be produced in the Greenhouse.
- Steel Mattocks – Stone can now be produced in the Clay Pit.
- No Quality Control – Gain +2 to Wood production. After each Storm, all stored Wood is removed, and you get 50 Insects in return.
- ⚡ Added 4 new Embark Bonuses. All of them can be acquired through completing Deeds.
- Herbalists’ Camp Blueprint
- Royal Permit – Gain 1 additional Cornerstone Reroll charge.
- 30 Reeds
- 30 Leather
- Added a new trader – Xiadani Stormfeather. She is a high-level general merchant who sells raw food, resources, crafting items, building materials, complex food, basic blueprints, and a few cornerstones. You can unlock her by completing Deeds.
New decorations.
- ⚡ Changed the drop chance and activation threshold for the Charged Rain Forest Mystery. It will now start at Hostility level 4 instead of 3, and appear with less difficult Forest Mysteries alongside it.
- ⚡ Changed the draw limit for the Fire Amulets Cornerstone. Now only one instance of this perk can be active in a game.
- ⚡ Moved 27 old Deeds into the “Historic” category. They can no longer be done, but if you completed them before this update, they will be visible in this category.
- Ancient Vaults
- Basic Logistics
- Cursed Lands II
- Cursed Lands III
- Cycle of Defiance
- Cycle of Discovery
- Cycle of the Bloodrain
- Cycle of the Fungi
- Cycle of the Infestation
- Cycle of the Outlaw
- Cycle of the Storm
- Cycle of Wealth
- Deeper into the Wilds I
- Deeper into the Wilds II
- Deeper into the Wilds III
- Deeper into the Wilds IV
- Establishing Borders
- Expansion
- Farming Specialization
- Fast Colonization
- Industry
- Prosperous Cycle
- Rivalry I
- Rivalry II
- Rivalry III
- Safe Cycle
- Swamp Wheat Farmer
- ⚡ Changed how the effect from Exploring Expedition (Joy of Discovery) is stacking duration. It now adds time to the counter instead of refilling it.
- Increased the default rate at which the Queen’s Impatience grows by 25%.
- Increased the population requirement for the Big Settlement Deeds (from 35 to 40 in part one, and from 50 to 60 in part two).
- Removed World Phases. This was an old system designed to streamline content and difficulty on the World Map, but based on previous updates (like the difficulty selection in the Embark Window), and what’s coming in the future (a complete World Map revamp), we decided to remove it.
- Changed the Sacrifice cost increase for the Prestige modifier Hearth Defect from 35% to 50%.
- Two existing Cornerstones (Small Distillery and Bone Tools) are no longer accessible from the start. They were moved to be rewards for completing Deeds.
- Added an additional objective to the Ancient Tablets Order in the tutorial. It now requires discovering a Dangerous Glade in addition to delivering an Ancient Tablet.
- Increased the rewards from the Brewing Ale Order in the tutorial (from 5 Planks to 10).
- The Biscuit Recipes Cornerstone now adds a tier 2 Biscuit recipe to the Rain Mill and Kiln, instead of tier 1.
UI/UX improvements
- ⚡ Revamped the entire Deeds UI in the Citadel.
- Deeds are no longer ordered based on World Phases and are instead sorted by categories (All, General, Exploration, Industry, Prosperity).
- Deeds can now be searched and ordered based on progress/alphabetically.
- When sorting by progress, Deeds ready for completion will be at the top.
- Old Deeds the players completed before this update were moved to a special category – Historic.
- Added a “stats” section in the Deed Panel. There you can see how many games you’ve played, how many games you’ve won, how much time you spent in-game, etc.
- Deeds are now displayed as horizontal slots, with the name and progress instantly visible.
- ⚡ Added a progress indicator to the tracked Deeds in the ESC menu during a settlement run. For example, a Deed requiring the discovery of 20 Glades in a single game will show “(X/20)”.
- ⚡ Changed the upper panel of the HUD. It’s now slimmer, has smaller icons, and the background adjusts to the number of elements on it. We will further improve this panel in the future (when implementing the improved UI style teased earlier).
- ⚡ Changed the icons for all buildings in the game. They are now less zoomed-in and show the entire silhouette of the building.
- ⚡ Added a “Current best” section to building tooltips displayed in the Reputation Reward popup. You can now see if you already have a recipe, and at which tier.
- ⚡ The Species Panels on the HUD are now positioned higher or lower based on screen resolution.
- ⚡ Added the option to open the Recipes Panel straight from the Building Panel (by clicking on the produced good in the Recipe).
- ⚡ Added a tooltip to the warning icon next to the Fuel category when resources are being sacrificed in the Hearth.
- ⚡ Forest Mystery tooltips now always display information about the Hostility level they are active in.
- ⚡ Added a checkbox to only cut down marked trees in the Lumber Camp. This option is disabled by default but can be changed to “On by default” in the Settings.
- ⚡ Changed the way UI scaling works. It’s now set to 90% by default, and can be increased to 110% at max. or decreased to 30% at minimum.
- ⚡ Changed the way “change ingredient in recipe” objectives are displayed in Orders. They now show “1/1” instead of “done” when completed.
- Changed the order in which Embark Bonuses are displayed in the Embark Window. They are now ordered by categories: goods, blueprints, Cornerstones.
- Changed the alert “Advice: Unassign workers” to “Advice: No builders available”.
Bug fixes
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused sacrifice cost reduction effects to actually increase the cost of sacrificing goods in the Hearth.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug with Mist Piercers being offered to the player even if they already have a Cornerstone that reveals the content of undiscovered Glades.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused the Trade Block map modifier to disappear after solving a Caravan Glade Event.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused the Fire Amulets Cornerstone to be offered to the player even if they already possessed the Stormforged version of it.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that made it impossible to sacrifice the last member of a given species to be sacrificed for Stormforged Cornerstones.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused incorrect goods to be refunded when canceling production in a building.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused all camps to stop working after removing a gatherer camp from the settlement.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug with the Parasites modifier having an incorrect number displayed on its icon.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused UI Panels to be cut off on top in the Citadel on resolutions smaller or equal to 720p.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused some building panels to be cut off on the bottom.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug with the Reputation Icon not showing a tooltip when hovered over.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused building panels to be stuck on-screen when a selected building was destroyed by an explosion.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused some builders to just walk off into the woods instead of working.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug with the Vassal Tax Forest Mystery incorrectly deducting Amber and applying its negative effect regardless of payment.
- ⚡ Fixed a scaling issue with big numbers next to Citadel Resources.
- ⚡ Fixed an issue with reward numbers not updating in real-time in biome tooltips.
- ⚡ Fixed an incorrect description for the Nauseous Spores Forest Mystery.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug with some Citadel Resource icons being too small on the World Map.
- ⚡ Removed the unnecessary minus symbol from descriptions of effects lowering resource trade value.
- ⚡ Removed the unnecessary colon from the tooltip text when hovering over the species population number.
- ⚡ Changed the way the Creeping Shadows Forest Mystery is displayed. It now only appears in the lower HUD when the negative effect is applied.
- ⚡ Fixed a bug that caused some gatherers to collect resources outside of their camp’s range.
- ⚡ Fixed an issue with the Smoldering City screen scaling incorrectly on the 21:9 aspect ratio.
- Fixed a bug that caused workers to end their break early if the building they worked in was moved.
- Fixed an issue with a Cornerstone adding +1 to Brick production being named Reinforced Saw Blades. It’s now called Reinforced Brick Mold.
- Fixed a bug with resource numbers being displayed too low in the construction panel of some buildings.
- Fixed a bug with some tooltips being incorrectly positioned when playing with a smaller UI size.
- Fixed a bug with inactive tabs in the UI not being grayed out in Chinese, Japanese and Russian.
- ⚡ Changed the roads in the game. It is now possible to build multiple rows or entire squares without the holes in between single tiles of roads.
- Changed the name and title of the NPC in the Ancient Altar.
We’re super grateful to everyone who contributed to this update. Your translations, suggestions, and reports are extremely appreciated!
Please make sure to update the game. Also, you can always track the progress of reported issues on our Public Bug Tracker.
If you want to help us grow the Against the Storm community, there are a few things you can do:
- Let your friends know about the game
- Share our content and announcements on social media
- Share your gameplays on relevant subreddits like r/Games or r/PCGaming
Truth be told, we appreciate all kinds of support. Be it feedback, words of encouragement, or casual activity on Discord. It helps a lot and we’re very much grateful!
Now, enjoy the new update and let us know what you think!
May the storm be gentle on you,
Eremite Games team
Current Early Access version: 0.28.1R
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